Annotated Bibliography
Hudson, Peyton, Anne Clapp, and Darlene Kness (1992) Joseph's Introductory Textile
Science, 6th ed., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, Fort Worth.
- The book describes the fiber classifications and has separate chapters for
each fiber, including sections on properties and end uses. Good source for
getting an overview of fiber characteristics.
Needles, Howard (1981) Handbook of Textile Fibers, Dyes, and Finishes, Garland
STPM Press, New York.
- This book contains a section on fiber theory, which goes over classifications
of fibers and conversion between denier and tex. It discusses important terms
that are needed in order to understand data tables. It also has chapters for
each of the fibers, which discuss desirable properties.
Rae, Alex and Rollo Bruce (1973) The Wira Textile Data Book,
Wira, Leeds.
This book focuses on wool fibers but it does contain a
table (pp. A24-A25) that gives fiber strength properties including fiber
count (decitex). It also contains the formula used in this section to
find diameter of the fibers.
Warner, Steven (1995) Fiber Science, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs. Yang, H. H. (1989) Aromatic High-Strength Fibers, John Wiley & Sons,
New York.
- These books give key information that relates fiber terminology to terms
that we are used to. They are very useful in determining relationships between
desired stress on an object and equivalent fiber strength.
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