Here is a list of books that provide an overview of specific plastics and their properties: [Arrange alphabetically by first author.]
Budinski, Kenneth G. (1996) Engineering materials : properties and selection, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
Beck, Ronald D. (1980) Plastics Product Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York.
Campbell, Paul D.Q. (1996) Plastics Component Design, Industrial Press, Inc., New York.
Dym, Joseph B. (1983) Product Design with Plastics, Industrial Press, Inc., NY.
A great book for engineering design. Chapter 2 provides the meaning of data. Chapter 5 is dedicated to giving all the information you need on the different types of plastic, arranged by generic name. It gives properties, applications, and best of all data tables with the information that you need to do your calculations.
MacDermott, Charles P. and Aroon V. Shenoy (1997) Selecting
Thermoplastics for Engineering Applications, Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY.
Plastics Handbook (1994), Edited by the Staff of Modern
Plastics Magazine. McGraw-Hill, Inc., NY.
Rubin, Irvin I. (1990) Handbook of Plastics & Technology,
John Wiley & Sons, NY.
The book gives a basic breakdown of the different types of plastics. Each type has its own chapter, which is only a few pages long and contains subsections such as, description of properties, applications, and advantages/disadvantages.
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