**As undergraduate and graduate (1983-1987)** - D. C. Dube, M. T. Lanagan, and S. J. Jang, “Dielectric Measurements of Package Materials in an Inhomogeneously Filled Rectangular Waveguide,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 70:C278–C280 (1987). Equal Contribution by Author - M. T. Lanagan, S. Lindsey, and N. S. Viswanathan, “Deep UV Ablation of PMMA Resists,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 22:L67–L69 (1983). Principal Author - S. L. Swartz, M. T. Lanagan, W. A. Schulze, L. E. Cross, and W. N. Lawless, “Dielectric Properties of SrTiO3 Glass-Ceramics,” Ferroelectrics, 50:313–318 (1983). Equal Contribution by Author