High Temperature Sensor Development (Industrial Measurement Systems Inc.)
Evaluation Phase of In-Core Longevity Testing of Piezoelectric Transducers (Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory)
Biodiesel Reactor (Ben Franklin Technology Partners Translational Research in Energy Support Program [TRESP])
GHz Ultrasonic Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring (Intelligent Automation, Inc.)
Ultrasonic Measurement Schemes to Evaluate Creep and Bar Specimens (Bechtel Bettis)
Effort to Demonstrate Ultrasonic Testing in-Pile Sensors in the Advanced Test Reactor (Idaho National Laboratory)
Technical Specifications for the Design and Testing of Advanced Ultrasonic Detection (Bechtel Bettis)
Ultrasonic Sensors (Bechtel BPMI)
NDE of Cumulative Fatigue Life assessment of Turbine Disks (Luna)
Sol-Gel Bismuth Titanate Patch Sensor Development (Intelligent Automation Inc.)
Technology Evaluation on Characterization of the Air Void System in Concrete (Pennsylvania Department of Transportation)
Multi-Energy Processing for Biofuels (CTI Biofuels)
Advanced Ultrasonic Sensor Development (Bechtel BPMI)
In-Situ Guided Wave Structural Health Monitoring System (Intelligent Automation/NASA)