S. Balaji, A. Upadhyaya, “Electrochemical Behavior of Sintered YAG Dispersed 316L Stainless steel Composites”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2007, Vol. 101, Issues 2-3, pp. 310-316.
S. Balaji, G. Joshi, A. Upadhyaya, “Corrosion Behavior of Sintered Aluminide Reinforced Ferritic Stainless steel”, Scripta Materialia, 2007, Vol.56, Issue 2, pp. 149-151.
S. Balaji, P. Vijay, A. Upadhyaya, “Effect of Sintering Temperature on the Electrochemical, Hardness and Tribological Properties of Aluminide Reinforced Austenitic Stainless Steel”, Scripta Materialia, 2007, Vol. 56, Issue 12, pp. 1063-1066.
S. Balaji, G. Joshi, P. Vijay, A. Upadhyaya, “Corrosion behavior of Sintered Aluminide Reinforced 316L and 434L Stainless Steel,” Advances in Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials-2007, v. 7, Metal Powder Industries Federation, Princeton, NJ, USA, 2007, pp. 51-57.
S.M. Tiwari, S. Balaji, A. Upadhyaya, “Sintering and Characterization of YAG Dispersed Ferritic Stainless Steels”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2008, Vol. 492, Issues 1-2, pp. 60-67.
A. Upadhyaya, S. Balaji, “Sintered Intermetallic Reinforced 434L Ferritic Stainless Steel Composites”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2009, Vol.40, Issue 3, pp. 673-683.
S. Balaji, A. Upadhyaya, “Mechanical, Corrosion, and Sliding Wear Behavior of Intermetallics Reinforced Austenitic Stainless Steel Composites”, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 44, pp. 2310-2319.
D.L. Andre, B. Shanmugasundaram, J. Mason, C. Drapaca, and B.J. Gluckman, “Mechanisms determining safety and performance of brain stimulating electrodes” Proc. IEEE Eng. Med Biol. Soc. 2009, vol. 1, pp. 689-692.
M. Anil, S. Balaji, A. Upadhyaya, M.K. Ghosh, and S.N. Ojha, “Potentiodynamic Polarization Aspects of the As-cast and Sprayed Al-Si, Al-Sn and Al-Sn-Si Alloys in a Sodium Chloride Solution” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (Available Online).
B. Shanmugasundaram, B.J. Gluckman, “Micro-reaction chamber electrodes for neural stimulation and recording” Proc. IEEE Eng. Med Biol. Soc. 2011, pp. 656-659
B. Shanmugasundaram, G. La-Corte, B.J. Gluckman, “Challenges to stimulation artifact-subtraction in neural recordings” Neuroscience 2011(SFN), Washington DC (Poster Presentation)
D.L. Andre, B. Shanmugasundaram, C. Drapaca, and B.J. Gluckman, “In vitro study of pH dynamics limiting charge passage in neural stimulation electrodes” Neuroscience 2010 (SFN), Washington DC (Poster Presentation)
B. Shanmugasundaram, M. Horn, B.J. Gluckman, “Nanostructured iridium films for neural electrode applications” ESM Today 2010 The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA (Oral Presentation)
B. Shanmugasundaram and B.J. Gluckman, “Electrochemical Shaping of Neural Electrodes” PSU Neuroscience Day 2010 (Poster Presentation)
B. Shanmugasundaram, M. Horn, B.J. Gluckman, “Microstructural and Electrochemical Characterization of Electron-Beam Evaporated Iridium Oxide Film” College of Engineering Research Symposium 2010, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA (Oral Presentation)
D.L. Andre, B. Shanmugasundaram, C. Drapaca, and B.J. Gluckman, “Mechanisms determining safety and performance of brain stimulating electrodes” Neuroscience SFN 2009, Washington DC (Poster Presentation)
B. Shanmugasundaram and B.J. Gluckman, “Thin Film Coatings with High Charge Passing Capacity for Neural Electrodes” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting 2009 Oct. 2009 Pittsburgh, PA (Poster Presentation)
B. Shanmugasundaram, B.J. Gluckman, “In vitro and in vivo performance of novel neural electrodes” ESM Today 2009 The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA (Poster Presentation)
B. Shanmugasundaram, B.J. Gluckman, “In vitro and in vivo performance of novel neural electrodes,” College of Engineering Research Symposium 2009, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA (Poster Presentation)
B. Shanmugasundaram, B.J. Gluckman, “Coatings for High Charge Passing Capacity Neural Electrodes” in ESM Today 2008, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA (Poster Presentation)
B. Shanmugasundaram, “Thin Film Coatings for Chronic Neural Stimulating Electrodes” in College of Engineering Research Symposium 2008, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA (Poster Presentation)
S. Balaji, G. Joshi, A. Upadhyaya, “Consolidation and Characterization of Aluminide Reinforced 434L Stainless steel Composites” in PM07 Conference, Noida, India, Feb.2007 (International)
S. Balaji, A. Upadhyaya, “Supersolidus Liquid Phase Sintering of Intermetallics Dispersed Stainless Steel Composites” in RAMP2006 conference, Coimbatore, India, Dec.2006 (International)
P. Vijay, S. Balaji, A. Upadhyaya, “Corrosion Behavior of Sintered Aluminide Reinforced 316L Stainless Steel” in NMD-ATM2006 conference, Jamshedpur, India, Nov.2006 (Poster) (National)
G. Joshi, S. Balaji, A. Upadhyaya, “Corrosion Behavior of Sintered Aluminide Reinforced 434L Stainless Steel” in NMD-ATM2006 conference, Jamshedpur, India, Nov.2006 (Poster) (National)
S. Balaji, A. Upadhyaya, “Electrochemical Behavior of Intermetallics Reinforced Stainless steel Composites” in CORCON2005 conference, Chennai, India, Nov.2005 (International)
S. Balaji, A. Upadhyaya, “Electrochemical Behavior of Sintered YAG Dispersed 316L Stainless steel Composites” in NMD-ATM2005 conference, Chennai, India, Nov.2005 (Poster) (National)
S. Balaji, S.M. Tiwari, A. Upadhyaya, “Microstructural and Electrochemical Investigation of Sintered 316L-based Composites” in PM05 conference, Mumbai, India, Feb.2005 (International)