
  1. Reviewer for the Journal of Electrochemical Society, since 1991
  2. Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, since 1996
  3. Reviewer for NSF, since 1996
  4. Reviewer for SPIE Smart Materials and Structures, since 1996
  5. Minority Engineering Program, Participant, 1996 - Present
  6. Penn State Minority Engineering Program (MEP); fall 1996 - present.
  7. Reviewer for Diamond and Related Materials, since 1997
  8. Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, since 1997
  9. PSU Forum on Black Affairs, Committee Member, October 1997 - 1998
  10. Contributed to developing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in research and education with The Kharkiv State Polytechnic University (Ukraine) and ESM department, 1997 - 1998; contributing to on-going efforts to develop a MOU with Politecnico Di Milano (Italy) with ESM and AE; contributing to on-going efforts to develop a MOU with University of Linkoping (Sweden) and the University of Japan–both with ESM Department, 1997 - 1999
  11. Member of program committees for SPIE Conference on “Smart Electronics and MEMS” for the years 1997, 1998, and 1999.
  12. Member, Program Committee, Symposium on Giga Scale Integration Technology in the 35th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society for Engineering Science, Pullman, Washington, September, 1998
  13. Member, Gate Stack Engineering Working Group, April 1998-present.
  14. Research collaboration, Fairchild Semiconductor, Inc., Power MOSFETs Division, February 1999-present.
  15. Member of the PSU Advisory Committee on International Students and Scholars (ACISS) 2000 - Present
  16. Member of EPRI/ARPA sponsored industry-university team for flat panel display technologies; July - Present.
  17. Reviewer for IEEE Electron Device Letters, since 2000
  18. Member, Program committee, International Reliability Physics Symposium, Orlando, Fl, April 2001
  19. Member, Program committee, International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2001
  20. Reviewer for J. Physics D, 2002
  21. Reviewer for Nanotechnology Journal, 2002
  22. Member, Review panel for NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP), February 2002.
  23. Member, Review Panel for NSF Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) evaluations panelist, April 2002.