Akhlesh Lakhtakia
Articles on A. LakhtakiaOther links:
Bianisotropics 2000
Satish Bukkapatnam
Joseph B. Geddes III
Tom G. Mackay
Raúl José Martín-Palma
Bernhard Michel
John A. Polo, Jr.
Balasubramaniam Shanker
Engineering Disasters
Green Engineering
Scientists for Global Responsibility
Readings for ESM Undergraduate Students
Readings for ESM Graduate Students
Writing Scientific Papers Clearly
Multidisciplinary Informal Engineering Education Seminars
Nontechnical Abstracts of MS and PhD Theses (ESM Department)
Acoustical Society of America
Complex Mediums website and Complex Mediums e-group
Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme
Weiss Graduate Fellowship Program
World Scientific Publishing Company