.. _lecture22: Lecture 22: Quantum gases and condensates ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. note:: *Bose-Einstein condensation is one of the most intriguing phenomena predicted by quantum statistical mechanics.* -- Wolfgang Ketterle .. warning:: This lecture corresponds to Chapter 30 of the textbook. Summary ------- .. attention:: This lecture uses results from :ref:`lecture21` to study the thermal properties of gases of quantum particles obeying either the Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein distributions. First, we study the :index:`Fermi gas`: In a Fermi gas (*i.e.*, a gas of fermions), fermions fill states up to :math:`E_F` at absolute zero. The Pauli exclusion principle ensures that fermions only singly occupy states. The results for a Fermi gas can be applied to the electrons in a metal. At non-zero temperature, electrons with energies within :math:`k_B T` of :math:`E_F` are important in determining the properties. We find that the heat capacity in such a system scales linearly with temperature, in strong contrast with the physics of phonons we saw in :ref:`lecture16` where we saw that heat capacity due to phonons scales as the third power of temperature. We conclude that heat capacity at room temperature is dominated by phonons. Second, we study a Bosonic gas and realize that the treatment of the partition function using an integral rather than a sum leads to difficulties in understanding the behavior of the system at very low temperature. It so happens that at high density and low temperature, a new phase of matter develops: it is called the Bose-Einstein condensate where there is a diverging occupation for the lowest energy state. This is allowed by quantum mechanics since more than one bosons can occupy the same state. Key Definitions --------------- .. note:: :index:`Fugacity`: Fugacity :math:`z= e ^{\beta \mu}` is... At low density, we have: :math:`z= \ll 1`. For bosons treated in a non-interacting scheme, we have that :math:`0` .. raw:: latex The slides for Lecture 22 are available in pdf format \href{https://homepages.rpi.edu/~meuniv/TSM/_downloads/7ae5c9bdc7186171617cf1dbe42ce403/lecture12.pdf}{here}. Screencast ~~~~~~~~~~ .. raw:: html .. raw:: latex This lecture is available as a YouTube recording at : \href{https://youtu.be/42cSmQr3FY4}{chapter 30}. Test your knowledge ------------------- .. hint:: Find the answer keys on this page: :ref:`answerkeys`. Don't cheat! Try solving the problems on your own first! Homework Assignment ------------------- Solve the following problems from the textbook: