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EMch 12 (Dynamics)

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In a continuing collabrotive effort with GE, the Engineering Mechanics department has developed a studio version of Emch 12, an introductory class in Engineering Dynamics. This studio setting allows students to work in groups of three on various days throughout a semester on various engineering mechanics problems. With computers and programs such as Mathematica playing an intergal part, students tackle classic mechanics problems from within this group setting. Additional activites are still being developed with the hope that in a few years instructors will be able to choose from multiple activities on every topic covered in the class. As part of an effort that overall has a one million dollar commitment over three years, this class seeks to allow students to tackle more advanced mechanics situations while fostering teamwork and enhanced group dynamics.

This innovative class was held for the first time in the Spring of '98 in 306 Osmond in a technology classroom with 18 PC's. Recently though, the group designing Interactive Emch12 has purchased 15 Power Macintosh G3 266 MHz computers and a 300MHz G3 server, and soon will be setting up its own classroom to facilitate the ever expanding class and the interest the student population has in it.

People involved with our project.

Activities for Interactive Emech 12.

Summer '98 - details of how this project was revised and expaded during the Summer of 1998.

people have accessed this page since June 23, 1998.

Prepared by Chris Watterson and Gary L. Gray.
This page was last modified on .

© Copyright 1998 by Chris Watterson and Gary L. Gray