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Pilarski, A., Rose, J.L., "A Transverse Wave Ultrasonic Oblique Incidence Technique for Interfacial Weakness Detection in Adhesive Bonds", J. Appl. Physics, Vol. 63, No. 2, January 15, 1988. |
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Rose, J.L., Balasubramaniam, K., Tverdokhlebov, A., "A Numerical Integration Green's Function Model for Ultrasonic Field Profiles in Mildly Anisotropic Media," Journal NDE, Vol. 8, No. 3, pg. 165-179, 1989. |
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Ditri, J.J., Rose, J.L., "Excitation of Guided Elastic Wave Modes in Hollow Cylinders by Applied Surface Tractions", J. of Applied Phys., Vol. 72, No. 7, 1 October 1992. |
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Ditri, J., Rose, J.L., "On the Reflection of Plane Waves in Transversely Isotropic Media", JASA, Vol. 92, No. 5, Nov. 1992. |
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Ditri, J.J., Rose, J.L., "An Experimental Study on the Use of Static Effective Modulus Theories in Dynamic Problems", J.Comp. Materials, Vol. 27, No.9, 1993. |
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Rose, J.L., Pilarski, A., Ditri, J.J., "An Approach to Guided Wave Mode Selection for Inspection of Laminated Plate", J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Volume 12, No 5, May 1993. |
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Ditri, J.L., Rose, J., "Excitation of Guided Waves in Generally Anisotropic Layers using Finite Sources", J. Applied Mechanics , Vol. 61, pp. 330-338, June, 1994 . |
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Rose, J.L., Ditri, J.J., Pilarski, A., Rajana, K., Carr, F., “A Guided Wave Inspection Technique for Nuclear Steam Generator Tubing”, NDT&E International, Volume 27, Number 6, pp. 307-310, 1994. |
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Rose, J.L., Rajana, M.K., Carr, F.T., “ Ultrasonic Guided Wave Inspection Concepts for Steam Generator Tubing”, Materials Evaluation, Vol.52, No 2, pg. 307-311, February, 1994. |
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Rose, J.L., Ditri, J.J., Pilarski, A., “ Lamb Waves for Aircraft Bond Inspection”, Journal for Italian Society for NDT., Dec. 1994. |
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Rose, J.L., Ditri, J., Pilarski, A., “Wave Mechanics Principles in Acousto-Ultrasonic NDE”, Journal of Acoustic Emission, Vol. 12, Nos 1/2, pg. 23-26, 1994. |
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Rose, J.L., Rajana, K.M., Hansch, M.K., "Ultrasonic Guided Waves for NDE of Adhesively Bonded Structures", Journal of Adhesion, Vol. 50, pg. 71-82, 1995. |
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Cho, Y., Rose, J.L., "A Boundary Element Solution for a Mode Conversion Study on the Edge Reflection of Lamb Waves" JASA, Vol. 99,No. 4, Pt. 1, pg. 2097-2109, April, 1996. |
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Rose, J.L., Jiao, D., Spanner, J., Jr., "Ultrasonic Guided Wave NDE for Piping, Materials Evaluation, Vol. 54, No. 11, pg. 1310-1313, November, 1996. |
19. |
Popovics, J. S., Rose, J.L., "An Approach for Wave Velocity Measurement in Solid Cylindrical Rods Subjected to Elastic Impact, Int. J. Solids Structures, Vol. 33, No. 26, pg. 3925-3935, 1996. |
20. |
Hongerholt, D.D., Rose, J. L., German, R.M., "Using Ultrasonic Sensors for Powder Injection Molding, JOM, Vol. 48, No. 9, pg. 24-28, September, 1996. |
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Rose, J.L., Hongerholt, D.D., Sames, D.J., “Laser Based Guided Wave Experiments for Tubing”, Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 37, No. 2, pg. 165-168, June 1997. |
22. |
Cho, Y., Hongerholt, D.D., Rose, J.L., “Lamb Wave Scattering Analysis for Reflector Characterization”, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 44, No. 1, pg. 44-52, January 1997. |
23. |
Shin, H.J., Rose, J.L., Guided Wave Tuning Principles for Defect Detection in Tubing, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1998, Pg. 27-36. |
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Rose, J.L., Zhu, W., Zaidi, M., Ultrasonic NDT of Titanium Diffusion Bonding with Guided Waves, Materials Evaluation, Vol. 56, No. 4, Pg. 535-539, April, 1998. |
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Rose, J. L., Pelts, S., Quarry, M., A Comb Transducer Model for Guided Wave NDE, Ultrasonics, Vol. 36/1-5, Pg. 163-168, February, 1998. |
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Shin, H.J., Rose, J.L., Guided Waves by Axisymmetric and Non-Axisymmetric Surface Loading Hollow Cylinders, Ultrasonics, Vol. 37, pp. 355-363, 1999. |
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Zhu, W., Rose, J.L., Barshinger, J.N., Agarwala, V.S., Ultrasonic guided wave NDT for hidden corrosion detection, Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 205-225, 1998. |
28. |
Rose, J. L., “Ultrasonics Waves in Solid Media”, Cambridge University Press, 1999. |
29. |
Zhu, Wenhao, Rose, J.L., Lamb Wave Generation and Reception with Time-Delay Periodic Linear Arrays: A BEM Simulation and Experimental Study, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, Vol. 46, No. 3, May 1999, pgs. 654-664. |
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Quarry, M., Rose, J. L., "Multimode Guided Wave Inspection of Piping Using Comb Transducers", Materials Evaluation, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 1089-90, Oct. 1999. |
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Rose, J.L., “Guided Wave Nuances for Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation”, Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 575-583, May 2000. |
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Cho, Y., Rose, J.L., “An elastodynamic hybrid boundary element study for elastic guided wave interactions with a surface breaking defect”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 37, Issue 30, pp. 4103-4124, April 2000. |
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Rose, J.L., S. Pelts, Y. Cho, “Modeling for flaw sizing potential with guided waves”, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.19, No. 2, pg. 55-66, 2000. |
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Rose, J.L., Soley, L., “Ultrasonic guided waves for the detection of anomalies in aircraft components”, Materials Evaluation, Vol. 50, No. 9, pg. 1080-1086, 2000. |
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Rose, J.L. and Zhao, X., “Flexural mode tuning for pipe elbow inspection,” Materials Evaluation, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 621-624, May 2001. |
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Li, J. and Rose, J., "Guided Wave Inspection of Containment Structures," Materials Evaluation, Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 783-787, 2001 |
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Li, J. and Rose, J. L., "Implementing Guided Wave Mode Control by Use of a Phased Transducer Array," Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics & Frequency Control, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 761-768, May 2001. |
38. |
Rose, J.L., Zhao, X., “Anomaly throughwall depth measurement potential with shear horizontal guided waves”, Materials Evaluation, Vol. 59, No. 10, pp. 1234-1238, Oct. 2001. |
39. |
Liu, L., Avioli, M.J., Rose, J.L., “Incident angle selection for the guided wave inspection of pipe defects”, Insight, Vol. 43, No. 2, February 2001. |
40. |
Rose, J.L., and Tittmann, B.R., “Recent Ultrasonic Guided Wave Inspection Development Efforts”, Journal of Korean NDT, Vol 21, No. 4, pp.371-382, 2001. |
41. |
Li, J., and Rose, J.L., 2001, “Excitation and Propagation of Non-axisymmetric Guided Waves in a Hollow Cylinder,” JASA, 109, pp. 457-464. |
42. |
Rose, J.L., “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants – An Example of Guided Wave Inspection”, Mehl Honor Lecture, Materials Evaluation, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 53-59, 2002. |
43. |
Rose, J.L., Avioli, M.J., Song, W.J., "Application and Potential of Guided Wave Rail Inspection", Insight, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 2002, pp. 353-358. |
44. |
Hay, T.R., and Rose, J.L., 2002, “Guided Wave Testing Optimization,” Materials Evaluation, 60, pp. 1239-1244. |
45. |
Hay, T.R., Rose, J.L., 2002, “Flexible PVDF Comb Transducer for Excitation of Axisymmetric Guided Waves in Pipe,” Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 100, pp. 18-23. |
46. |
Barshinger, J., Rose, J.L., Avioli, M.J., 2002, “Guided Wave Resonance Tuning for Pipe Inspection,” Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 124, pp. 303-310. |
47. |
Lohr, K.R., Rose, J.L., 2002, “Ultrasonic Guided Wave and Acoustic Impact Methods for Pipe Fouling Detection”, Journal of Food Engineering, 56, pp. 315-324. |
48. |
Rose, J.L., 2002, “A Baseline and Vision of Ultrasonic Guided Wave Inspection Potential,” Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 124, pp. 273-282. |
49. |
Li, Jian, Rose, J.L., 2002, “Angular-Profile Tuning of Guided Waves in Hollow Cylinders Using a Circumferential Phased Array,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 49, pp. 1720-1729. |
50. |
Zhao, X., Rose, J.L., 2003, “Boundary Element Modeling for Defect Characterization Potential in a Wave Guide,” Int’l. Journal of Solids & Structures, 40, pp. 2645-2658. |
51. |
Rose, J.L., Mudge, P.J., Avioli, M.J., Sanderson, R., 2002, “Guided Wave Inspection Potential of Defects in Rail,” 5th International Railway Engineering-2002, Commonwealth Institute, London, UK, July 3-4. |
52. |
Rose, J.L., Sun, Z., Zaidi, M., 2003, “A Phased Array Guided Wave Approach to Adhesive Bonding Structural Integrity Analysis,” Materials Evaluation, 61, pp. 941-946. |
53. |
Hayashi, T., Kawashima, K., Sun, Z., Rose, J.L., 2002, “Analysis of Flexural Mode Focusing by a Semianalytical Finite Element Method,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 113, pp. 1241-1248. |
54. |
Hayashi, T., Song, W-J, Rose, J.L., 2003, “Guided wave dispersion curves for a bar with an arbitrary cross-section, a rod and rail example,” Ultrasonics, 41, pp. 175-183. |
55. |
Hayashi, T., Sun, Z., Rose, J.L., Kawashima, K., 2003, “Semi Analytical Finite Element Analysis for Ultrasonic Focusing in a Pipe,” Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 22, pp. 250-255. |
56. |
Hay, T.R., and Rose, J.L., 2002, “Guided Wave Testing Optimization,” Materials Evaluation, 60, pp. 1239-1244. |
57. |
Rose, J.L., Sun, Z., Mudge, P.J., Avioli, M.J., 2003, “Guided Wave Flexural Mode Tuning and Focusing for Pipe Inspection,” Materials Evaluation, 61, pp. 162-167. |
58. |
Song, W.-J., Rose, J.L., Whitesel, H., 2003, “An Ultrasonic Guided Wave Technique for Damage Testing in a Ship Hull,” Materials Evaluation, 60, pp. 94-98. |
59. |
Rose, J.L., 2003, “Back to Basics – Dispersion Curves in Guided Wave Testing,” Materials Evaluation, 60, p. 20. |
60. |
Rose, J.L., 2003, “NDT Solution – Guided Wave Testing of Water Loaded Structures,” Materials Evaluation, 60, p. 23. |
61. |
Hayashi, T. and Rose, J.L., 2003, “Guided Wave Simulation and Visualization by a Semi-Analytical Finite Element Method,” Materials Evaluation, 60, pp. 75-79. |
62. |
Rose, J.L., Mudge, P.J., Avioli, M.J., Sanderson, R., 2003, “Guided Wave Inspection Potential of Defects in Welded Rail,” Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation International, 37, pp. 153-161. |
63. |
Sun, Z., Zhang, L., Gavigan, B., Hayashi, T., Rose, J.L., 2003, “Ultrasonic Flexural Torsional Guided Wave Pipe Inspection Potential,” Presented at the 2003 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 20-24, 2003, Cleveland, OH. |
64. |
Rose, J.L., Avioli, M.J., Mudge, P.J., 2003, “Natural Focusing for the Detection on Defects Beyond Elbows,” Presented at the 2003 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 20-24, 2003, Cleveland, OH. |
65. |
Hayashi, T., Kawashima, K., Sun, Z., Rose, J.L., 2003, “Guided Wave Propagation Mechanics Across a Pipe Elbow,” Presented at the 2003 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 20-24, 2003, Cleveland, OH. |
66. |
Hayashi, T., Kawashima, K., Sun, Z., Rose, J.L., 2003, “Guided Wave Focusing Mechanics in Pipe,” Presented at the 2003 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, July 20-24, 2003, Cleveland, OH. |
67. |
Song, W.J., Rose, J.L., Galan, J.M., Abascal, R., 2003, “Transmission and Reflection of A0 Mode Lamb Wave in a Plate Overlap,” Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 22, pp. 1088-1094. |
68. |
Sun, Z., Rose, J.L., Song, W.J., Hayashi, T., 2003, “Non-Axisymmetric Wave Focusing in Pipe Inspection,” Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 22, pp. 244-249. |
69. |
Park, I.K., Cho, Y., Rose, J.L., 2003, “A Lamb Wave Study on Thermal Damage in a Degraded Plate,” Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 22, pp. 1379-1386. |
70. |
Rose, J.L., 2002, “Ultrasonic evaluation of adhesive joints: An overview,” in Adhesive Joints: Formation, Characteristics and Testing, K.L. Mittal, ed., 2, pp. 123-134. |
71. |
Hay, T.R., Luo, W., Rose, J.L., Hayashi, T., 2003, “Rapid Inspection of Composite Skin-Honeycomb Core Structures with Ultrasonic Guided Waves,” Journal of Composite Materials, 37, pp. 929-939. |
72. |
Hay, T.R., Rose, J.L., 2003, “Fouling Detection in the Food Industry using Ultrasonic Guided Waves,” Food Control, 14, pp. 481-488. |
73. |
Luo, W., Rose, J.L., 2003, “Guided Wave Thickness Measurement with EMATS,” Insight, 45, pp. 735-739. |