Design Notes
These notes are supplied to assist you with design analyses you will be performing in your project. They supplement the information given in class and in your text book (Hibbeler 2000). The notes are given in PDF format, so you will need to download Acrobat Reader if you don't already have it. Click here to download.
- Introduction
- Engineering Design Process
- Modeling
- Assumptions
- Axial Loading; See a Simple Stretching Animation
To see the material axial test animation, click "Animations" from the main menu, then choose "Stress-Strain Diagram". - Axial Design: Battery Strap
- Bending: Design for Strength, Stiffness and Stress Concentrations
To see the bending animations, click "Animations" from the main menu, then choose "Bending" or "Shear Moment Diagrams". - Van Voorhis's notes and examples of bending and torque
- Column Buckling: Design using Euler Theory
To see the buckling animation, click "Animations" from the main menu, then choose "buckling". - Plane Stress: Combined Loading/Stress Design Supplement Notes unfinished
To see the Mohr's circle animation, click "Animations" from the main menu, then choose "Mohr's circle" or "Mohr's circle (procedure)" - Torsion: Power Transmission and Stress Concentrations Design Supplement
To see the torsion animation, click "Animations" from the main menu, then choose "Torsion" or "Torsion with-a-cut". - Advanced example from Granta Material Intelligence that, given enough time, EMch 13 students could do it.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0633602. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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Pennsylvania State University
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
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