Design Links
University of Massachusetts Mechanical Engineering Electronic Design Library
Provides mechanical engineering related information to conduct student design projects. The design information consists mainly of material selection and property, standard machine elements, links to various manufacturing companies and case studies of different engineering projects.
University of Virginia: An Introduction to Engineering DesignLink Broken
Resource for students/engineers to learn about engineering concepts and the design process. Includes information on the engineering design process, engineering economics, case studies in engineering design and other topics.
Georgia Tech: ME 3110 Online CatalogLink Broken
Contains information on various design project elements such as springs, gears, motors, electrical components, fasteners and statics. Each section contains the following information: Types (various types of elements and their primary uses); Theory (basic theory of application for the element); Application Notes (notes, guidelines, cautions, etc. that may be helpful when using the element is a system. Also includes guidelines for efficiency, commonly encountered problems and other information)
Industry.netLink Broken
This page allows search for companies by products (also can limit search by state). Specifies whether a company is a distributor, manufacturer, or business center. Company name, address, phone and fax numbers are given. For Business Centers a little more is given.
Engineering ZoneLink Broken
This page divides subjects into 12 sections (CAD, computer integrated manufacturing conceptual design, engineering analysis, manufacturing processes, materials selection, mechanical components, product definitions, project management, quality control, reference tables and testing and measuring). Each section has a general introduction and links to internet resources related to each product development procedure.
Granta Materials Intelligence
This page contains web links and information on cross sections, material designations, glossary and more.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0633602. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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Pennsylvania State University
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
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