Links to Standards-Issuing Organizations

American National Standards Institute
This site provides access to information on ANSI federation and the latest national and international standards related activities. The ANSI-ISO-IEC online catalog combines: ANSI, ISO, IEC document information in a single, searchable online catalog.

Internet Connections for Engineers - Standards Resources on the Internet
This site lists links to standards related sites like ANSI, ISO, NIST. Goes to Cornell Eng. Library

National Standards Systems Network
This site is designed to provide users with broad range of standards information from major standards developers, including developers accredited by the American National Standards Institute, other US private sector standards organizations, government agencies, including the US Department of Defense, and international standards organizations. Provides access to bibliographical information for more than 225,000 approved standards. Users can search for title words or document numbers to find the standards they are looking for.

International Organization for Standardization
This site contains the ISO Catalogue which is a list of standards and drafts listed by subject. Reference numbers, titles of the standards, and edition date are given. You can also search by subject, title word and descriptors, and ISO number.

The University of Virginia Science and Engineering Libraries - Sources for Scientific Standards
This site provides links to internet resources dealing with scientific and other standards, as well as to the home pages of national and international standards organizations.

American Society of Testing and Materials
This site allows search for individual standards by ASTM designations, or titles and scopes of standards. You may also view alphabetical numeric listing of standards - gives standard name, number, and scope.

ISO Standards and World Trade
This site provides informations about the world trade and gives you the standard codes.

Standards and Standardization Bodies
List of links to national and international sources of standards and standardization organization.

ASME - ASME International Publications Catalog
Lists standards with - document number, publication date, and standard title sorted into 3 categories and then sorted again into topics in each category.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0633602. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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Pennsylvania State University
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
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