Project Drawings, Parts List and Bill of Materials

These summarize and communicate your design and must be sufficient to fabricate the design.


Drawings should be roughly to scale and must include:

  1. a rendering of your design,
  2. an eisometric assembly with components ‘called-out’ and correlated by either number or part name with the Parts List. (NOTE: A Parts List is necessary if parts are numbered in order to associate names with numbers. It is preferrable to refer to ‘names’ rather than ‘numbers’ subsequently in the report.)
  3. details clarifying component connections and joints and
  4. other details as necessary.

Use professional conventions. Include all dimensions. Do not draw details of standard ‘off-the-shelf ’ hardware like nuts, bolts, washers, castors, etc., just specify them in the Bill of Materials and call them out in the drawings.

Example of the drawings

Parts List/Bill of Materials

The bill of materials lists:

  1. structural products and their specifications (materials, sizes and quantity) necessary to fabricate Parts and
  2. off-the-shelf hardware.

It may include weights and costs. The Parts List and Bill of Materials may be combined.

Typical Bill of Materials

Table 1: Short Sample of Bill of Materials [with weight and cost added]a
No. Part Qty Description Weight, lbs Unit Cost, $ Cost, $
1 Leg 8 ft 3" nom. Sch 40 pipe 0.216" wall, wrought steel, seamless 60.60 0.69 lb 41.81
2 Pin 4 ea 0.25" dia. x 2" long, 303 stainless steel, cold drawn 0.04 1.09 ea 4.36
3 Bed 1 ea 18" x 24" x 0.032" Aluminum 1100 sheet 1.38 2.10 lb 2.90
Totals 62.02

Example of Bill of materials

a. Note: Quantity usually includes the total quantity (amount, length, etc.) of product used in the entire design. For item No. or Part names in call-outs, length for each is determined from the drawing, not the total value given here. Also note that Sch 40 means item 1 is pipe, not tube, but you may include the word pipe. Weight is the total for the quantity specified. Costs given here are examples and may be inaccurate.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0633602. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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Pennsylvania State University
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
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