* Prof. Cliff Lissenden, Penn State, SHM and the Center
* Prof. Fu-Kuo Chang, Stanford, KEYNOTE: Promises and Challenges in SHM
* Dr. Michael Yu, NAVAIR, Structural Health and Usage Monitoring for Naval Aviation Weapon Systems
* Dr. James Blackshire, AFRL, Overview of Air Force Needs for SHM
* Prof. Susan Trolier-McKinstry, Penn State, Piezoelectric Materials and Devices
* Mr. Richard Ross, NASA Langley, KEYNOTE: Improving the Safety of Current and Future Aircraft Through Integrated Health Monitoring
* Dr. Karl Reichard, Penn State, Diagnostics and Prognostics for System Health Monitoring
* Carl Byington, Impact Technologies, Impact Tek SHM Developments
* Prof. Maria Lopez de Murphy, Penn State, Evaluation of FRP Composite Repairs for Concrete Structures
* Prof. Martin Trethewey, Penn State, Health Monitoring of Rotating Equipment from Torsional Vibration Features
* Prof. Joseph Cusumano, Penn State, Health Monitoring for Machines and People
* Prof. Bruce Gluckman, Penn State, Neural Engineering for Seizure Disorders
* Steve McGregor, Ben Franklin, Ben Franklin Programs
* Prof. Aditi Chattopadhyay, Arizona State, KEYNOTE: Air Force SHM MURI Project
* Dr. Markus Heinimann, Alcoa, International Working Group for Structural Integrity Assessment
* Bill Nickerson, RLW Inc, Wireless Devices for CBM
* Prof. Ghassan Chehab, Penn State, Monitoring Pavements
* Dr. Paul Meyer, GE Inspection Technologies, NDE Solutions at GE Inspection Technologies
* Prof. Joseph Rose, Penn State, The Imminent Ultrasonic Guided Wave Revolution in SHM
* Mitchell Lebold, Penn State, Open Architecture for Condition Based Maintenance
* Prof. Edward Smith, Penn State, Recent Research on Damage Detection Methods for Helicopter Rotor Systems