Interactive Sample Project: Pedestrian Bridge

Step 14: Cost Analysis

Prices shown below are for one beam.

Section Material 2 x 4 2 x 6 2 x 8 2 x 10
I-Beam Southern Pine $7.26 $11.40 $15.03 $19.18
Douglas Fir Larch $8.02 $12.60 $16.61 $21.19
T-Beam Southern Pine $4.84 $7.60 $10.02 $12.79
Douglas Fir Larch $5.35 $8.40 $11.07 $14.13
Rectangular Section Southern Pine $2.42 $3.80 $5.01 $6.39
Douglas Fir Larch $2.67 $4.20 $5.54 $7.06

Comparative Cost Analysis

Design Values:

  • δo = L/500 = 0.192 in
  • Southern Pine Sreq = 4.013 in3
  • Douglas Fir Larch Sreq = 8.441 in3

The table below shows the calculated Section Modulus and Deflection along with Cost/beam for all of the possible design choice combinations. Not all of the possible combinations meet the design constraints. Your design must meet all constraints, and while minimizing cost.

I-Beam T-Beam Rectangular Section
MaterialBeam SizeS Modulus (in3)Deflection δ (in)Cost/beam ($) S Modulus (in3)Deflection δ (in)Cost/beam ($) S Modulus (in3)Deflection δ (in)Cost/beam ($)
Southern Pine 2 x 4 22.45 0.07065 7.26 7.583 0.2265 4.84 3.063 0.9617 2.42
2 x 6 53.18 0.0228 11.40 16.19 0.07071 7.60 7.563 0.2478 3.80
2 x 8 91.32 0.01101 15.03 26.45 0.03351 10.02 13.14 0.1082 5.01
2 x 10 147.9 0.00569 19.18 41.29 0.01706 12.79 21.39 0.05209 6.39
Douglas Fir Larch 2 x 4 22.45 0.07065 8.02 7.583 0.2265 5.35 3.063 0.9617 2.67
2 x 6 53.18 0.0228 12.60 16.19 0.07071 8.40 7.563 0.2478 4.20
2 x 8 91.32 0.01101 16.61 26.45 0.03351 11.07 13.14 0.1082 5.54
2 x 10 147.9 0.00569 21.19 41.29 0.01706 14.13 21.39 0.05209 7.06
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0633602. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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Pennsylvania State University
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics
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